Packing and Unpacking Tips

Congratulation on your new home. How to make your life easier to set up a strategy of moving? Packing & unpacking comes very important. Don’t let your moving become nightmare, here is some tips,
Smart packing will save you hours of work for unpacking, limit your stress and frustration.
Moving boxes/sticky tap/big stickers/mark pen
1. Sort Everything – Necessities, Treasures, and Junk
Before packing everything, sort out all your belongs, give away what you don’t need but still good enough for somebody else & trash items with no value. Keep your necessary items & treasures which you use.
2. Pack Room by Room
After you have worked out what you need to bring to your new home. Packing room by room is strongly recommended to get all same room items together like parents room items/baby items/kitchenware etc
3. Label Absolutely Everything
It’s much easier to unpack when you know what’s in the box before you open it. You could just write “kitchen” or “bedroom” on the box with mark pen or use big stickers so it gets sorted into the right place.
4. Keep like items together
When you’re just trying to get everything into a box, it can be tempting to throw things in without paying any mind. But getting unpacked is considerably less tiring when you don’t have to shuffle all over putting items in their place. If items go together in your home, keep them together in the box.
Unpacking comes much easier if you did a good job with packing,
1. Request removalists leave all the boxes in the right room
2. Start from kitchen first, unpacking the boxes to set up Kitchen first which is most difficult. As soon as you are done with Kitchen, you finish the most time-consuming job. And also you are all good to make yourself a tea & rest a bit & enjoy the new home.
3. Make sure the linen is in a box that is clearly marked so the beds can be made up as soon as possible as everyone will be very tired at the end of the day.
4. Check all boxes for any items left inside before they are stacked up for collection.
Get help
If you are fully booked out with something else and are very busy, we are always here to help you to pack and unpack your belongs. We are very professional and efficient team. Also, we provide the free box. Please ring the customer service on 0424847123
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